Ultimate Blog Challenge October 2020 Day 14

In this morning’s prompt for the Ultimate Blog Challenge October 2020 Day 14 we were asked the following question:


Do you have a service or product that you sell? When was the last time you told your visitors about it? Today you can actually use your blog to make you some money…

I do have two businesses I am in one is Norwex a company that features a variety of Household products including a line of cleaning products children can use.

Along with a children’s book company called Usborne Books. They offer a lot of Storybooks for children of all ages. As well as books which can be used with Homeschooling.

I haven’t promoted either company they way I should and I could blame that on the blog or remodeling or Homeschooling but yes, in a way its true. But also I have been lazy and its time to change that.

Be watching soon and you will see my promoting my companies everywhere.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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