Unique Holidays: April 10th, 2022

Good morning, welcome to our new series sharing Unique Holidays: April 10th, 2022, did you know today is National Clean Your Room Day? I don’t know about you but every room in our home is clean and ready to be taken to the new Apartment as soon as they say we can move in. So there is nothing to clean today. Instead I will be working hard to catch up on work this morning. Unless your room is a mess and you need help cleaning it. Which Charlie and I wouldn’t mind helping you but you would have to come get us as David is on his way to work.

Clean up Your Room Day  
Image result for Clean up Your Room Day

Clean Up Your Room Day is a day parents can’t wait to happen but a holiday and kid’s dread!

If you’ve got kids, it’s possible that their rooms are a vast wasteland, completely filled with “good stuff”. “Messy” is too kind of an adjective to describe the conditions because it’s impossible to walk through their bedroom. Every dresser and shelf including under the bed is packed with everything imaginable. Dust has been piling up as long as your child has been around. Comfy, cozy, and quite livable to the child, there bedroom is an everyday source of frustration for the parents especially mom.

To mom and dad’s delight, and every child’s chagrin, Clean Up Your Room Day arrives every May 10th. It’s time to get out the shovels and call in an industrial sized dumpster because it’s time for everyone to clean their bedrooms!

 Clean Up Your Room Day also applies to your parents. Children you may want to inspect your parents’ room to assure that mom and dad clean their bedroom.

History and Origin of Clean Up Your Room Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday.

There is an occasional reference to Clean Up Your Room Day being a “National” day. However, we found no documentation supporting the claim, and only a couple of references. We see two opposing camps: Parents, who are overwhelmingly in favor of making this Holiday a national day. And kids, who are united against any efforts to make this a national holiday or any kind of local event.

With the exception of people who are born organized neat freaks, we can all admit our rooms can get chaotic from time to time. To the delight of parents and family and friends, May 10th is National Clean Your Room Day. Research into the holiday doesn’t reveal who founded Clean your Room Day, but for those of us who may need to clean your room day or have family, friends, and roommates who need to clean, it’s nice to have a holiday that reminds us to get our act together starting with our bedrooms!


  1. Children and teenagers are usually the culprits of messy rooms, but some kids have messy parents. Even if they aren’t messy, its fun watching parents complain about doing chores too. Kids can even help your parents decide which old items of theirs they should donate!
  2. If you think about cleaning as a boring chore, then make a plan for how you could redecorate your room as you clean the bedroom. You could rearrange furniture, add plants, or posters, or you could decide if there’s a theme you’d like for your room. You can give yourself an incentive to keep your room clean for long after May 10th.
  3. Once you’re finished cleaning, go out and celebrate your clean room. It’s hard for some of us to stay organized and on top of cleanliness, so choose something you’ll use to treat yourself once you’re done. Like going to a nice restaurant, or purchasing something nice, or get a new accessory that can shine in your clean bedroom.


  1. Having a day to clean your room lets you organize and can help you feel more relaxed because you’ll know where everything is. Research actually shows that making your bed every morning can make it easier to keep up with other positive habits.
  2. We often complain about not having enough. but by giving your room a deep-clean on a designated day, you can dig up old clothes, shoes, toys, or gadgets you no longer use. These can be given away as gifts, donated to shelters, or given to friends who may use them, then they won’t take up space or go to waste.
  3. May 10th is a great day to catch up on any Spring cleaning you may have put off. A designated National day for cleanliness can give you a deadline to work with so that you lead a life with reduced dirt and clutter.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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