Volkswagen Van with a Slugbug as the Volkswagen

The other day David and I went to Walmart to purchase groceries. While there we saw a Volkswagen Van with a Volkswagen Van sitting on the roof of the Van. As we drove on into the parking lot we could tell the Volkswagen was the man’s bedroom.

He was sitting outside his car with his dog and all of his belongings. As we drove by he waved and said God Bless you. Mind you everything this man had was in his Van and he was asking God to bless someone else.

I must tell you with everything happening in the world and not being able to leave home I am amazed at this man because he can go anywhere at anytime and not have to worry about other people.

began to work and I found that photo I stopped what I was doing and asked the Lord to watch over this man and to keep him safe. I was wondering what brought him to this institution in life.

I wonder if he was in the Army and is a Vet. Or if something tragic happened in his life and he just needed to get away. I will never no and I may not ever see this man again but what I can and do every day is ask the Lord to protect him and his home.

I would like to ask you to do the same.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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