What are SARMs, and what are their benefits

If you’re into fitness or bodybuilding, there is a good chance you’ve heard of SARMs. This is especially true if you’re in Australia.

These substances have become extremely popular in the last few years, and they are a good alternative to volatile steroids. Even though most of these products are not sanctioned, you can easily buy them from one of the numerous online stores for reputable SARMs Australia.  

The main reason why people buy SARMs is so they can gain lean muscle mass. But, they can also be used to regulate certain processes within a body. Here are some of the main things that you need to know about them!

What does SARM stand for?

SARM stands for selective androgen receptor modulator. These substances work selectively by stimulating certain glands within the human body. 

In return, these glands will start producing hormones. This is completely different from how steroids work. While steroids work on a wider level, SARMs make sure that only your glands are affected. 

They will not stimulate other parts of the body, which is why SARMs are much safer than some other performance-enhancement drugs.

How are SARMs different from steroids?  

As already mentioned, steroids have a much wider application. By using them, you’re injecting yourself with hormones. This can be problematic as it can lead to “overload.” 

Furthermore, steroids can affect numerous parts of the body. For example, they are notorious for being able to cause prostate issues, and in extreme situations, prostate cancer. SARMs are much safer as they focus on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Another reason why people prefer using SARMs is that they are much weaker than steroids. Steroids can cause a major muscle gain while SARMs provide moderate gains. This has its advantages as users find it easier to control SARM treatment. 

Finally, here’s a great article on “SARMs vs Steroids” that compares the two compunds.

What are the SARM benefits?

Most people will tell you that SARMs are great for building muscles. But, there is much more to them than this.

They can also help you get rid of fat. SARMs work by utilizing fat instead of proteins as an energy source. So, whenever you train, you will be able to burn unwanted fat reserves, which would make you look better at the end of the day.

Generally speaking, SARM should regulate several metabolic processes. They should provide you with more energy while also improving your sleep. 

Lastly, they are crucial for patients who are suffering from a hormonal deficiency. If you’re using SARMs medically, it is very important to consult with a doctor before administering any therapy. 

What are SARM drawbacks?

There is still a lot of debate regarding long-term issues that can be caused by SARMs. The truth is that we still lack in terms of research, and until we get more data, we cannot say with certainty what are all the potential side effects.

At this point, we can say that SARMs can cause minor irritations, drowsiness, certain metabolic issues, etc. But, to our knowledge, there haven’t been cancer cases (which is common for steroids). The severity of SARM side effects has to do with the dosage. The patients who took a larger dosage than recommended had to deal with more severe problems.

Most users take a smaller dosage of the substance, making it easier to control. If you notice any issues, it is best to consult with a doctor. 

Potential legal problems 

At this moment, SARMs are legal in most countries of the world. However, they are categorized as an illicit substance, according to the World Anti-Doping Agency. If you’re a professional athlete, you will be disqualified if a regulatory organization finds out that you’ve used one of these products.

Most of SARMs are still in their developmental phases. This makes them cheaper, but it also can lead to certain risks. Still, there are a lot of people who use them on a regular basis.

A SARM product should be used according to the doctor’s prescription. Oftentimes, amateur athletes and bodybuilders take SARMs at their own accord. 

This is less than ideal, as you should have at least some kind of guidance. For example, you can ask a local trainer for assistance. Alternatively, you can contact a reputable SARM company and ask them for help. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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