What is Hydrotherapy?

What is Hydrotherapy? Channel in the Health Wonders of Spa Pools!

Living in the 21st century, we sure are an advanced race, but our ancestors possessed the roots to wellness and therapy! For instance, it was ancient Hindus, Romans, and Greeks who were the first civilizations to delve into the therapeutic qualities of water. Hence, these civilizations built elaborate public baths for a mass to bathe in, socialize and relax. Since life is a harmonious flow of the past wrapped in a new age code, today we have luxurious and swanky spa pools that have popularised the concept of hydrotherapy. Research conducted by the University of Wisconsin highlights that hydrotherapy has immense health benefits.

Understanding hydrotherapy

Usually, people think hydrotherapy refers to drinking more water to eliminate body toxins. Simply put, it is all about using water to relieve stress, cure illnesses and heal the mind and the body. From healing skin wounds to releasing tensed muscles, tissues, and nerves, and erasing discomfort resulting from poor sitting posture, hydrotherapy can offer a plethora of benefits!

It comprises of cold and hot compress, baths and showers, body wraps and much more. Its benefits help to lead a wholesome and active life. So, if you have been planning to try a spa pool therapy, delay it no more. Go ahead and bring the healing, relaxing and therapeutic benefits into your life. Here’s what you can expect after one or more sessions:


Reduced stress and tension


Stress and tension lurk inside your fatigued body and mind as you reach the end of yet another hectic day. A warm shower or bath is an obvious way to feel fresh and rejuvenated. The warm water in a pool spa eases the blood vessels enabling seamless blood circulation.  People who have contracted stress-related high blood pressure can resort to this therapy to bring it back to normal levels. Furthermore, relaxation through this therapy results in the release of endorphins that washes out stress. It also releases dopamine, a hormone that makes you feel happy.


  • Improved immune system


If you have to tackle poor coping mechanisms and hypersensitivity to situations, food, and emotions, consider hydrotherapy as a remedy. It enables the lymph to get circled all over the body efficiently and boosts the immune system. A warm and relaxing spa also draws out all the body toxins, making you feel light. High fever caused due to cold or changing seasons can be healed with this therapy.


  • Enhances your sleep quality


Latest medical studies reveal that poor sleep quality can cause everything from digestion disorder to obesity. The modern-day life is competitive, which causes people to lose out sleep completely. More and more people are suffering from insomnia these days. With hydrotherapy, just a 15-minute soak in the spa pool about one or two hours before retiring to bed will transform sleep quality. You will experience undisturbed sleep and wake up fresh with increased vitality.

Water is the principal component of the human body and the planet earth. That is reason enough to believe that with efficient use of hydrotherapy, the body can heal significantly. Presently, conditions like rheumatoid arthritis have shown improvements when treated with water therapy. You should surely try this therapy to experience these three and other health and life improvements!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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