Why Getting Married Is The Best Decision You Could Make

When you speak to the opposite sexes about marriage and what they think about it, you get different responses. Men when telling their friends that they are going to propose and get married are often greeted by cheering and jeering from friends telling them about the pitfalls of doing so and how they are going to be tied down for the rest of their lives. Women on the other hand look at it completely differently and they see it as a new start in life with the person that they love. Men eventually come around to the merits of getting married and if you were to ask them many years later, they will tell you that it was one of the best decisions that they ever made.

They will tell you that it didn’t come with difficulties and one of the most difficult things that they encountered was choosing when to ask for their partner’s hand in marriage and what kind of engagement ring that they would choose. Luckily they went to vinnyandcharles.com to get a good idea of the selection that was available and so it made things a little easier. For those of you out there who have a marriage coming up and you’re starting to get cold feet, then maybe the benefits of getting married can help you to stay the course and to enjoy your new life.

  • It’s good for your heart – If you take real steps to make a marriage work and you try to create a strong and trusting relationship, then you will find that your blood pressure will go down and this is incredibly good for heart health. People also found that while their stress levels to go up, it was the good stress that they were experiencing and once again, this was good for their heart.
  • Stronger immune system – We all know the benefits of having a strong immune system and the past 2 ½ years have taught us that it is more important than ever. When you are involved in a good marriage, it helps to boost your overall immunity and this helps to keep your stress and anxiety levels low.
  • You will live longer – This should be the icing on the cake from many people because marriage helps you to live much longer than you would if you were single. When you are single you make bad decisions and you make them just for yourself, but when you’re married you take other people’s feelings into consideration and benefit from both better physical and mental health.
  • It reduces risk – This especially applies to men because we tend to make silly decisions when we are single like wanting to bungee jump off at all bridges or to jump out of an aeroplane with a parachute on our backs. Having a loving partner who is a lot more sensible than we are helps us to avoid the many risks that life puts in front of us and so we tend to live longer and healthier lives.

The secret of any good marriage is making sure that you both topped each other every single day and something as annoying as you then letting the other person know.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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