Wordless Wednesday Come Meet Dumb Cluck

Wordless Wednesday Come Meet Dumb Cluck

Wordless Wednesday Announcement

Good morning, How are you today? How has your week been going? Mine has been fine so far. Just a little busy as usual. But busy is always good isn’t it? Enjoy your day and this fun coloring sheet I have for you.

As a child we were given a Rooster to cook for dinner only my sister, brother and I  made my dad feel so guilty about cooking our Rooster Dumb Cluck that he ended up letting us keep him as a pet. So Dumb Cluck lived in our garage.

The only bad thing about Dumb Cluck was he would crow at night not in the morning like he was  supposed to. So my dad ended up naming him Dumb Cluck and we played with him.

2017 Year of the Rooster Wordless Wednesday

I love sharing this story with Charlie as he likes hearing about when I was a child. Do you tell your children stories of your childhood? Do they enjoy learning about you as a child?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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