As we try and find ways to deal with ADHD in Charlie


Charlie and Alex the cat


As we try and find ways to deal with ADHD in Charlie without having him put on medicine. We have been looking for more items to help him stay focused. And to do better in his classes. Because if I was his teacher in school I would have pulled my hair out. As he will not sit down. And he doesn’t listen to me. And we have to tell him things over and over. I have gotten to the point that if my dad was in better health I  would send him to live with him and to go to school. But I can not do that. So I struggle with him day in and day out. As he can’t return to school for the Bullying he faced.

So for Christmas I went and picked out a set of Lincoln Logs for Charlie. As I thought he would enjoy building things with them. As he loves building Robots. And he has played with them a little bit but not as much as I thought he would.

So on Monday when we return to school I am going to bring Charlies set of Lincoln Logs into the classroom to see if we can build things and write stories about what we build. And to count the ones we use and go over the different shapes of the Lincoln Logs and see if this will help him sit still and focus more. Because the counselor has said if we can keep him more motivated that that will help him learn.

And if this doesn’t work then I am not sure what I will do other than need a stiff drink. Because I am about to lose my mind. And asking David to help doesn’t work. As he gets even more frustrated with Charlie than I do. Especially since he can not read or write.

So as I sit here and look around the house I know I am Blessed to have Charlie and to have the opportunity to teach him. And it is my responsibility to keep Charlie safe. And that is why we are homeschooling him. But man on man I sure could use some help.

So I am not blaming the ADHD on Charlies not listening or not focusing. But what I am wondering is if it is part of it. And if it is then I could use some suggestions as I am at a loss. And just do not know what to do.

And we had to give up his Counselor as we was taken off Medicaid as David now makes to much for us to get it. And we haven’t been approved for any other insurance. And I haven’t been able to get us into a counselor that works on a sliding fee scale. So if you know of someone Please let me know.

Cates Family

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