2019 Pet Blogger Challenge

Can you believe tomorrow is January 1, 2019? Where did 2018 go? This year I wanted to kick the New Year off with a bang by finding new challenges I could join and share with you. As I was online searching for challenges I found the 2019 Pet Blogger Challenge.

As the mom of several pets I knew 2019 Pet Blogger Challenge would be the perfect challenge for my family to enter. I would like to invite you to come and join us in this challenge. Or if you know of other challenges I should check out leave me a comment so I can check into them.

2019 Pet Blogger Challenge

For the past eight years, the pet blogging community has joined together virtually for this event. We reflect on the previous year’s accomplishments and share our victories. We also help each other through our challenges, offering ideas and advice to get the new year off on better footing.

All pet bloggers are invited to participate in this inspiring blog hop! We’ll celebrate 2018 and formulate our plans for the coming year. Mark your calendars and tell your friends … the Pet Blogger Challenge is coming January 20-26th!

Last year’s Challenge was fantastic, with 38 bloggers sharing ideas, building relationships, and supporting each other’s goals. No doubt this year’s event will be every bit as wonderful, so don’t miss it!

Badge announcing the pet blogger Challenge January 20-26, 2019

Participating in the Pet Blogger Challenge is easy!

To join the fun, simply publish a post on your blog the week of January 20 – 26th, (Although I am late I wanted to go ahead and join in the challenge and I am sure you can as well. with answers to the questions below. I’ll publish my answers, and include a Linky List in the post, here on GoPetFriendly.com the morning of January 20th. After publishing your post, visit the Host post and add your link to the Linky List so we can easily navigate to everyone’s blogs.

Here are the questions for the 2019 Pet Blogger Challenge:

  1. For those who may be visiting your blog for the first time, how long have you been blogging and what is your main topic? I began blogging in August 2007, I started out as a Review/ Giveaway Blogger but over time I have changed my Niche to more Parenting/ Lifestyle as we was Homeschooling for a bit.
  2. What was your proudest blogging moment of 2018? My PROUDEST blogging moment was when a local PR Agent contacted me to work with her. Helping me to grow my local followers.
  3. What was the biggest blogging challenge you faced in 2018, and how did/will you tackle it? It was to remain focused and to blog consistently and to finish task I began. As life kept throwing curves at me. But through many Prayers and a few tears I make it through 2018 and I am ready to tackle 2019.
  4. Which of your 2018 blog posts was your favorite and why? (Please include a link.) My favorite post of 2018 was being able to showcase my sons accomplishment in school. Charlie has just finished the 2nd Semester
  5. Which of your 2018 posts was most popular with your audience? Why do you think it does so well? I honestly can not answer this question because like I said I stumbled a lot this year and I am working to rebuild my readers. As I don’t think I had any at all this year.
  6. Did you implement a new series, feature, or practice on your blog in 2018 that you’re enjoying? I stopped a lot of things I had been doing and my readers dropped so I plan on adding them back this month. Including Wordless Wednesday Post to help build my readers. As well as joining challenges like this one which is new for me. But I know that by bringing back stuff I stopped it will rebuild my love of blogging as I have messed those features.
  7. As the social media landscape changes, how are you promoting your blog posts and connecting with new readers? I promote daily on Facebook and will be doing a Question of the day as I need to build Engagement on Facebook. As well as doing a Instagram A to Z Challenge each month.
  8. Looking forward to 2019, if you accomplish only one thing through your blog, what do you hope it is? I hope I can encourage another parent to follow there passion and do the things they love. As well as bring more parents home to be with there families through Blogging or a business of there own.
  9. What steps are you planning to take to ensure you reach your goal?I plan on spending more time Blogging and researching what my readers would like to know. As well as spend time taking classes and getting out into my Community more to help me grow. As well as partnering with local bloggers to brainstorm with.
  10. Now it’s your turn! How can we help? Is there an area where you could use some advice, or an aspect of your blog that you’d like input on? Share it here, and we’ll answer you in comments!

Spread the Word

The 2019 Pet Blogger Challenge begins tomorrow! If you need a little help, or have any questions about participating, please don’t be afraid to reach out – building friendships is what this event is all about.

I would like to ask for your help in spreading the word to all your pet blogging pals is very much appreciated. The more people who participate, the more we’ll all learn! So please tell your friends, share a link to this post on social media, and take a screen shot of the Pet Blogger Challenge badge to put on your blog.

I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone in a – see you soon!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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