You Wedding Mood Board in 7 Steps

The time has come. You have the engagement ring firmly on your finger, you’ve set a date, and you have told all of your friends and family about some of your ideas. Weddings are exciting, and the day is a celebration of love, the love you have for your partner and their love for you. And, while it makes total sense to consult a wedding planning guide, it is a lot of fun to create a mood board too! So here are some tips on how to create a mood board for your wedding.


Choose Your Platform

You might like to have a Pinterest board ready for your wedding, or you might want to choose to build a board with magazine clippings and things you can touch. Do what works best for you in terms of space and time. (Or both!).

Let Words Be Your Guide

When you are making your mood board, it is a good idea to think about some of the words that you associate with the wedding, you and your partner. These words will be what guide you in the creation of your perfect day. Think about some of the following:












Color & Texture

The moment you got engaged, and maybe even before that, you thought about the colors you might see. The table decor, the lace bodice, and the silk trim. You might’ve even had the image of SJP’s bird hat from SATC. Use whatever words you have written down to help you flesh out things like, the color scheme. The location, materials and even the overall feel of the day.

Big Ticket Items

If you are a lover of classical music, you might want some items that lend to that. Or a harp player, simple things that are very you. Floral designs, rugs, wall hangings, displays, and even seating areas. These can all be sourced to be in keeping with your initial feelings and ideas.

Curate The Details

When it comes to smaller items, like invitations, favors, place settings. You can send out for samples from many companies, but you can also sketch out some of your own and get them made just for you. Other things to consider is if you are going to be outside providing blankets and pillows and lighting up the pathways with fairy lights or candles (if it is safe to do so).

Jigsaw Puzzle

Once you have all of these things on the mood board, you are going to start trimming the fat. If you have seven dresses pinned on the board, you only really need one. So start removing details things that don’t work with the rest of the images and colors.  

Call In The Cavalry

Now you have crafted your mood board, and it represents what you want from the big day, call your bridesmaids, or other important people and ask them to help you bring your ideas to life. Sourcing products, or helping you hand make a lot of decorations. Making sure that you don’t stray too far from the path of what you wanted!

But, when all said and done – the most important thing is that you and your partner enjoy the day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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