6 Things to Know Before Starting a New Homeschool Year

Starting a new homeschool year is a tightrope and It doesn’t need to be.

6 Things to Know Before Starting a New Homeschool Year

After we finish the year, we take a little breather. I use that time to re-evaluate myself and the efficacy of my methods. So far, it looks good. However, every homeschool year presents a new set of challenges. So today I would like to share 6 Things to Know Before Starting a New Homeschool Year.

These 6 things should guide you as you start a new school year

  1. Take a breather

The school year can be a messy deal. You will miss deadlines and you may have to play catch up. During that break, it is important that you reflect on the areas in which you feel required a little more effort or a little more breathing space. You can have it all planned out but remember, the whole purpose of homeschooling is to deviate from the herding system of the normal school set up. The last thing you need is to get so caught up in finishing everything on time that you end up burned out.

Instead, use the breaks to assess progress and chart the way forward. Of course, child involvement at this stage is vital as it lets you know what areas you can improve on.

  1. A New Homeschol Year Means More work

If you started early, you may have had an easy time, gliding through the curriculum. However, as you start a new year, you need to realize that the workload for you and the kids might increase. This doesn’t mean that you will have to plow through a dozen more books. You might have to use this challenge as a gateway to more exploration. Let the kids know how they can help in managing the added workload. Let them incorporate some of the skills they pick up into doing some tasks on their own.

  1. Pre-planning is vital

Previously, I’ve got caught up in planning just when the school year is starting out. The result was a barrage of never-ending tasks and a whole lot of running around. Fortunately, it is a continuous self-improvement exercise. To avoid the hassle, you might want to use the breaks to look at ways to improve or tone down where need be.

This might also be the time you can assess whats working and what steps you need to take to that effect. During preplanning, try to set up activities with other parents who homeschool and see if you can share material.

  1. Its okay to deviate

I can already hear the grumbling about wrapping up the curriculum. Some days, it’ll be extremely fun. On some days, things will be slow. Just like it is normal to get really pumped on the up days, you might feel like you’re letting yourself and the kids down. And here’s where a change of scenery works like a charm. Changing routines and scenery clears up your mind and opens up opportunities to learn via different means. If you feel like you’re straying too far from your initial intent, its time for a quick switch up.

  1. A New Homeschool year can get expensive

From organizing to the execution of the curriculum, homeschooling can be a costly venture. The good news is you don’t need to sweat it. If you’re in a group, sharing material can be a super cost cutter. Exchange programs also work pretty well.

  1. Its still school

Your kids will probably have ‘those days’ when they will question the purpose of homeschool. You’ve probably had those moments with them. However, it is important to let them know that while they have a different mode, they’re still in a valid school system and will be gaining more if not the same knowledge as their counterparts.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

5 thoughts on “6 Things to Know Before Starting a New Homeschool Year”

  1. I often think about homeschooling, but then I think of what’s involved and I change my mind. These are great tips Glenda and I wish new homeschoolers lots of luck in this coming year.

  2. I was not homeschooled, but I can see these being good tips, especially the planning ahead one. Thanks for the post.

  3. I give so much credit to parents that home school their kids. You’re seriously amazing!

  4. Bianca Dottin

    These are all great things to know! I’m considering homeschooling my daughter this year.

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