Cancer strikes another one my family loves.

Cancer strikes another one my family loves.  So today I have a question for you. How many more times do we have to hear someone has the Big C before it ends? I know there is a cure for “CANCER” somewhere out there. Why can’ t they find anyone find it and stop it before if takes another loved one from someone? Why does ‘CANCER” always seem to  strike the good ones?

As I write this I keep thinking of everyone in my family I have lost from Cancer. As well as how many people in Davids family has passed away to a form of Cancer .. Then I just sit her and stare at the computer as today I just can’t focus. My heart is breaking into a million pieces and it hurts.

As yesterday a friend went to the doctor and she was told  her Cancer has returned. You see she had Cancer 4 years ago and it was supposed to be gone. But once again it has returned and no, one knows why or how. Only the sad part is the doctors she had the first time didn’t do all they should have to make sure it didn’t return. So the new doctors are just shaking there heads and asking why things wasn’t done differently.

So I know there is only one person that can answer this question and that is God. So once again my heart is aching for her and her family. Although I know she can and will beat ‘CANCER” again. Although my question is why should she have to. Why couldn’t they get it the first time and it not return ever…

So today I am asking for you to Please lift this unknown family up into Prayers. Send them strength and hugs as this is a wife, mom and grandmother as well as a friend to many.

Through God Miracles can happen we just have to fully rely on God. So Please as your going through your day make sure you tell everyone if your life you love them and appreciate them. As tomorrow isn’t promised as I can attest to this with Suzzane’s passing. Plus, I was also just reminded of this again yesterday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

4 thoughts on “Cancer strikes another one my family loves.”

  1. Thank you…Wind Beneath NY Wings is Hannah and my song.

    Thank you for your family’s friendship…and the words you wrote in this blog.

  2. Hi, Glenda, Charlie and David. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I lost a cousin with whom I was very close. She had a similar situation in that it was treated and then returned. Unfortunately, she left for heaven at the young age of 32, leaving two girls at a very young age without their mother.

    I also lost a very good friend who also had a similar situation. The doctors passed a specimen as being normal, when, in fact, it was later discovered that that specimen had cancerous cells within it. She, too, lost her life at a very young age in her mid-30’s, leaving a teen-aged daughter without her mother. The type of cancer she had, as opposed to that of my cousin’s, were very different types, and you could see the difference in the total opposite ways their bodies responded to their specific treatments.

    I know it’s not easy losing loved ones, especially to something so horrible as cancer. Yes, they should have discovered the cancer in the first place for some who, hopefully, are a small percentage of the many who fall laden with this disease. We will never have perfect doctors or scientists. We are not perfect, so how can we expect them to be? ONLY God is perfect, although there are too many humans who believe they are as well.

    Lifestyle is a great factor in contracting cancer in the first place, and in the great majority of those who have been struck with cancer. For example, did they smoke? Did they spend a lot of time around other people who smoke (second-hand smoke)? Did they have a healthy diet — the type that includes fruits and vegetables that fight cancer — or did they have a diet heavy in fats? Did they work around chemicals? Did they practice good hygiene? Did they practice safe sex? Did they have leukemia — a cancer in the blood? There are many factors that can cause cancer, and many of them have the capability to be controlled by each individual.

    It seems so many want to blame God for not watching over their loved ones. I see that you do not, so you are in the right frame of mind. What most people don’t stop to think about is that God is there to GUIDE us — not to protect us all Himself. (What would be happening to someone else while He was protecting or saving another?) We can choose to follow the path that God leads us to choose, or we can totally choose our own paths. It’s more often than not that the ones who choose to blame God have no relationship whatsoever with Him. God’s guidance is placing in our hearts and minds what ways are the good for all people, and the consequences of ignoring and choosing the bad. An example of this is someone driving DWI or DUI, having no forethought about the best and safest way to get home. They cause fatal car accidents, and it’s always the drunk and/or drugged who live because their bodies were so limber due to the influences of alcohol and/or drugs. This is an example of God’s guidance. Had the drunk or drugged followed His guidance, they would not have gotten into their vehicles and driven. They would care about the great possibility that something very bad could be the consequences of doing so, and their hearts and minds would care about others’ safety. Selfishness is foolishness, and sometimes ends in tragedy for others.

    I know, to some, if doesn’t seem as if medical science is gaining any advantage over cancer, when the truth is that they have come very far. Most women these days who develop breast cancer can be treated until cancer-free. There was a time when that was not even possible. One big factor is the number of people who absolutely refuse to see a doctor regularly, until it’s too late because their types of cancer are already past treatable stages. The greatest problem is not with the medical research and scientific trials. The very definitive problem is that there are SO MANY TYPES of cancer that they cannot possibly find one cure-all treatment for each and every one of those types. Some types react to a couple of treatment types. such as radiation and chemotherapy. A few years ago they would not have even thought this possible, but now they can even treat cancer with a different type of cancer cells. They’ve found a great treatment from stem cells, but there are too many who believe that is an abuse. Some have resorted to having a baby specifically to obtain those stems cells to treat someone else in the family, but actually people who would resort to that are very caring, loving and compassionate people who, if they did not care enough about the loved one who needs these cells in the first place, they would not even consider doing such a thing. That would just be one more burden to them. But the ones who do choose would have just as much love to give that new baby as they already give to the person who needs the treatment.

    Never lose hope or your faith. Sending healthy, happy wishes and prayers,

    1. Prayers are always welcome and no, we can not blame God for things happening. I am one who can tell you that firsthand as my daughter was killed by a gentleman driving while not paying attention to his surroundings.

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