Day 1 Walking in the Neighborhood #FunFamilyFitness

This morning is day one in my #FunFamilyFitness Challenge. I wanted to do this a couple months ago but the time wasn’t right. So as we begin a new month and it’s the middle of Summer and its hard to get Charlie to venture outside I decided with today being the first of July its the perfect day to begin my challenge.

I would like to invite you to join us as the Goal of this challenge is to get up and move for at least 30 minutes a day.I chose this challenge for 2 reasons and the first it to help me lose the weight I have been trying to lose and I knew I needed to get up and move to accomplish my goal.

Then the second reason I chose this challenge is to get Charlie up and moving as it is SUMMER and I am tired of seeing Charlie sit inside all day and either play Video Games or being online on his Play Station. So this will make sure Charlie gets at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Although with me wanting to get 10,000 steps in a day I know we will need to exercise more than the allotted 30 minutes a day so I plan on walking in the morning, at lunch and again in the evenings as well as doing each day’s exercises with Charlie.

Then if the Lord is willing David and I have agreed that we will go to the pool every other day which means I will be able to walk in the pool as well as outside. For another 30 minutes or one mile around the pool depending on which comes first.

Even though I may not lose weight I believe my family will feel better exercising together and it will allow us to spend time together without electronics intruding in the time we are spending together. So come and join us on our journey,

I will be sharing what Charlie and I will be doing each day and you can do the same thing. Or you can pick out what you feel your family would be willing to do. The only requirement is you have to move for at least 20 minutes a day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

1 thought on “Day 1 Walking in the Neighborhood #FunFamilyFitness”

  1. A wonderful set of goals- physical fitness and keeping children away from electronics – wishing you the best of luck, and many fun times! (yes, you’ll need to do more than this to get the 10,000 steps but – it will happen. It’s a great start.)

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