Guide and Tips for Baby Photography for the Beginners

Guide and Tips for Baby Photography for the Beginners

Clicking the photographs of a baby can be extremely challenging because the infants have their own mood and sometimes it can interfere with the manner in which you are working. However, if you have a proper idea as to how you can deal with the moods of the infants, and work accordingly, it will be easier for you to excel in newborn photography. You need to educate yourself about certain tips, which will help you with the entire process.

There are also certain professional techniques that can be adopted for both the newborns as well as the toddlers. According to, 40% of the ladies, aged between 18 and 34, have created a social media account for posting the pictures of their babies.

Given below is a list of the tips that you can consider.

Dressing them up:

Checks, florals, and a lot more should be put to use for dressing the babies and making them look extremely cute. The babies grow very fast and hence you should be helping the parents cherish each and every day by creating an amazing memory. Before the day of the shoot, you can suggest numerous fashion options, so that the parents are ready with different colors, styles, and themes. They need to dress the babies in adorable and creative ways that will melt your heart.

Setting up your home as a photography studio

It is a bad idea to carry the babies into an unknown place where they are not going to be comfortable at all. Babies are going to look comfortable and lively in the environment, which they will be familiar with. Therefore, instead of taking them into your studio, it is a good idea to set up the studio in the home of the baby itself. Ensure that you are bringing lots of cushions, pillows, and blankets, and set them near a comfortable corner of the client’s living room.

You cannot forget that natural lighting is must and make use of the props to ensure that the baby is comfortable. You can also check the house of the client beforehand to see if natural lighting is available. Brisbane Baby Photography the Wish can be chosen for getting the best photographs of your baby.

Making the background ideal

Ensure that you are making use of soft and beautiful tones for your background. Photographing a baby is mostly about keeping the little baby in focus, and hence the background should not be chaotic and colorful. Try to get soft filters and also ensure that a single and simple color tone is maintained for the background.

Making use of natural light

Nothing can be more pleasing than natural light. Expert photographers advice for natural light should be used when clicking the photographs of the babies. Try to use natural light, which is seeping through and ensure that you shoot during the early morning or late evening. During the afternoon, the natural light starts becoming strong and can hurt the skin of the baby.


Clicking the photographs of a baby is a beautiful task. However, it is important that you consider the tips that are mentioned above so that you get the best photographs.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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