Last night as I sat at the Dining table this is what I heard.


Last night as I sat at the dining room table I heard a “Blood Curdling Scream”!! That came from Charlie. As he had gone outside as his puppy Max had gotten out of the fence. Now by the time I got to the stairs all I could hear was two dogs going at each other and Charlie screaming. So I take off running down the stairs. Which I am so lucky I didn’t trip and fall. Right out our gate to find Charlie sitting down in the neighbor’s yard crying as Thor our dog and there dog Snoopy was fighting.

Maria my neighbor and her kids was already out there by the time I got there trying to pull Thor off of Snoopy but Thor would not let go.  So I have a broom and Marie a mop and we are trying to get Thor and Snoopy  to break it up. But they neither Thor nor Snoopy will let the other one go. Thor has Snoopy by the neck and no, matter what we do will not let go.

So Rechea tells her mom to move and reaches in and grabs Thor by the neck to pull him off of Snoopy. Which Rechea was able to do. But then Thor turns his head and bites Rechea  on the arm. Not badly enough for Stitches but enough to startle her and cause her to let Thor go.

So one of our other neighbors hears all the commotion and comes over and grabs the two dogs and breaks up the fight and hands me Thor. But Thor jerks and  pulls away and gets loose again. But the gentleman is still standing there and helps me bring Thor into the yard. As soon as we let Thor  go he tries and bolts again. So the neighbor brings Thor into the house for me.

Then I have to fight to get out the door so Thor  doesn’t get back out to go check on Charlie who is outside crying as he can not find Max. Because  Max took off as soon as the fight started. I finally get Charlie calmed down and he comes inside with me. I have Charlie wait about 10 minutes then let him back outside to see if he sees Max. Who is sitting outside our fence.

So I call David as this is the second time Thor and Snoopy  have gotten into a fight like this. David  lets me know he is going to take Thor back to the owner we got him from. Which I understand and I can agree with David as I know someone will end up hurt if we keep Thor. But my heart is breaking today as I love Thor and he is my baby and can be the sweetest dog around. But then he will snap when we are not expecting it.

And we have other dogs and  I do not think Thor would hurt them but I am not sure about it.  So sometime this week Thor may be leaving. Which I know will upset Charlie but I have to protect him and the other dogs. So as much as I love you Thor this looks like it will be good bye.

I just “PRAY” the owner finds a safe place to put you because we rescued you as you was  a Guard Dog and at night someone was shooting you with a BB Gun and I would hate for them to do that again. But with this being the second time you have bite a person I know I have to take you back. Because the last time was last weekend when you bite David.

Plus if I am home by myself and you turn on one of the other dogs or a child I will not be able to stop you and someone may end up hurt badly or God forbid you may end up killing another dog.

Thank you, Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

1 thought on “Last night as I sat at the Dining table this is what I heard.”

  1. I am so sorry! BUT, sometimes there just isn’t a fit for an adopted dog….hopefully he will find his forever home. And you are right, you have to keep your family and neighbors safe! ~KM

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