The Cornerstone Challenge: Content that Evokes Emotion

Charlie and I was looking through pictures last night when we came upon this one taken inside @GaylordTexan during Christmas with Charlie’s best friend Aiden.

It’s so hard knowing school is beginning on Tuesday and Charlie will not be with any of his friends. This is the first Summer we haven’t had his friends over.

Thanks to Covid-19 we didn’t get to do much and the only child Charlie has been around is ones in our neighborhood. We all are missing Aiden and I may call his mom this week and see if she will bring him over for a little bit.

Because Charlie is really missing his friend and not being able to play games with him online we we got rid of the Games Charlie played online with Aiden.

As I went through #TheCornerstoneChallenge we were asked to share Content that Evokes Emotion which is what I’m going though this morning as I get dressed to go to lunch with a friend of mine.

I hate hate hated drama and I am afraid its all this breakfast might be. But it’s okkay because when I get home if the Lord is willing I will be having lunch with another friend and that is going to be fun.

Covid-19 isn’t going to stop me from seeing my friends and family. How about you? If I let it then I would end up sinking into a depression and that isn’t going to happen on my watch.

Image may contain: text that says 'CORNERSTONE CONTENT BLOG A CHALLENGE P'

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

3 thoughts on “The Cornerstone Challenge: Content that Evokes Emotion”

  1. It’s getting to the point where we have to step out of our boundaries to keep sane. That’s why we had 2 of Lia’s best friends at her bday party. They haven’t seen each other since March and it’s so hard to explat to little ones why they can’t go across the street to play with their friends.

  2. not being able to meet up with their friends is definitely hard on the kids.. and we do try to figure out ways they can meet safely (but does not happen as often as we really want)
    that photo is adorable…

  3. I’m right there with you in detesting drama! Hope breakfast wasn’t as bad as you thought.
    Yes, COVID has changed so many things.

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