The Night The Lights Went Out in Haltom City,Texas

The Night The Lights Went Out in Haltom City,Texas

Charlie’s has a new Homework assignment each week and it coincides with Wordless Wednesday. I will pick one picture that I have taken and print it out. Then Charlie must prepare a lesson plan around that picture. As well as write a short story about what is happening in the picture.The story can’t be about things we did or talked about.

It has to be Charlie’s point of view and what he thinks would have happened. Or why someone would take this picture. So Charlie gets used to using who, what, when and how. For next year when Charlie goes into 5th Grade. Now, before you ask me if Charlie likes this assignment the answer is no.

Was I told I am the meanest teacher around yes, numerous times. Like I told Charlie I am not your friend I am your teacher and my job is to teach you. Your choice is to do the work assigned or not do the work and take the consequences which would be a F. There is no, C. Then I went on to my work and the next thing I know Charlie is not only bringing me his story but pictures to go with it.

Once again as a parent I had to remind myself to pick my battles and stay strong but this time it worked. If only I was able to teach David this then we all would be a lot happier.

I hope you enjoyed my Wordless Wednesday and if you participate in this event come and leave me a link so I can check out your Wordless Wednesday post.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

17 thoughts on “The Night The Lights Went Out in Haltom City,Texas”

  1. I LOVE that you stood your ground and forced him to make that choice. There’s a parental element to teaching that has been lost in recent years, I feel. Taking the time to explain why he’ll get that grade helped him to make a good decision.

  2. I think this is a smart idea on how to teach kids lessons. My kids are never happy with lessons either, but like you I remind them that I’m here to teach them and sometimes we have to do things we don’t like.

  3. Kids need to realize that teachers are there to teach and we really shouldn’t be best friends, kind of like parents. We have to be the tough guys and teach them well.

  4. Glad you stood your ground on this. It’s a great way to teach children that everything in this cruel world makes us happy. I would tell my son, wait until you start a job. There will be many things you won’t like, but its your job. And he recently told me he remembered me saying that and how true it was.

  5. What a great idea to develop a lesson plan and inspire creativity! We homeschool and are always looking for ways to incorporate fun + our life with reading and writing.

  6. Hi Glenda, I like that you’ve been told that you’re the meanest teacher because, as you said, it means your doing your job well! When my children were in their teens they would often tell me I was the meanest mom. lol
    Great assignment!

  7. We are homeschooling and I totally feel you!!!! It’s not always the most popular choice by my kids when it comes to the work, but it’s important. I think it’s a great idea!

  8. You must be homeschooling!! Been there and done that and I was a mean teacher too. But, you know what? That child who called me that is now about to graduate from college. Keep on keeping on mama!

  9. I love the idea of this kind of Homework assignment. It is interesting to see what are one’s kid thoughts. Beautiful idea!

  10. Yes – being their friend is something that is all too normalized in society these days. They can be mad at you all they want as long as you are being the role model you should be!

  11. Oh, I get told I’m the meanest all the time. But this sounds like a great prompt for writing. I’m sure the stories are so fun!

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