Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 13

In this morning’s challenge for the Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 13 we was asked “Are you superstitious? Is 13 a ‘bad’ number for you?”

I am not but let me tell you my mom is and would drive around for hours just so a black cat didn’t cross her path and David is the same way which drives me crazy.

Charlie is like me and doesn’t let superstitions bother him. He walks under ladders and looks for black cats and broken mirrors doesn’t faze Charlie or I.

I have been told if a black cat comes to live with you they bring good luck and I have been trying to get one for Charlie and I but David will not let us.

Have a great day and a wonderful week and come share with us any superstitions you believe in and why you believe in them.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

3 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 13”

  1. I have heard the opposite as well that black cats are good luck, so David let her get a black cat, they will end up in the shelters otherwise because people are so superstitious like you! My first cat was black with white paws, names appropriately mittens! And he was a blessing not bad luck although not fully back! Anyway, I don’t think my blog today was about superstitousness but just something that my Mom and I will never be able to forget that just happened on Friday the 13th. But I did take it into a kind of dark place for many, yet hopefully, a place where we can heal from. Anyhow, thank you for being part of the challenge and I enjoyed reading your post today. And I hope you truly get that cat who can provide tons of LUCKY unconditional love your way!

  2. haaaa. NO cats for me, not because I’m superstitious – but because I’m NOT a cat person in any way, shape or form. LOL

    it’s funny how we as people react to things we are taught as a child. for instance, ‘don’t let the bedbugs bite’ or ‘don’t let the boogy man get you’. both of these things are true and can happen – -yet, we make light of them when we tell them to our children/grandchildren. Words and actions stay with us from childhood to our adult life.

    Yes, when I see a ladder – I don’t walk under it either but it’s not because I’m afraid of something bad happening – I just don’t want the pain to fall on me! LOL

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