Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 13 July 2018

Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 13 July 2018 today’s post is to share our favorite number and as I sit here I have a lot of numbers that mean things to me but I don’t think I have an actual favorite number. So I will share some of the dates or numbers that have a special meaning to me.

May 5, 1988, is the birth of my daughter and November 20, 2004, is the day she was called home at the age of 16. So a lot of times when something asks for a number I pick a 5 or 8 in Memory of Suzzane.

May 20, 2007, is our Wedding Day and we wanted to get married on Suzzane’s Birthday as it was the day David picked out but it was in the middle of the week so we had to choose the 20th which was a Saturday.

12,16-2007 is Charlie’s Birthday and one of my most favorite days ever. I am Blessed to be his mom and once again if I do not choose 5 or 8 I would pick a 12 or 16 for Charlies Birthday as he is my good luck charm.

I am sure if I was to sit here and think about things I would be able to share many more special days with you but I didn’t want to keep you too long so you could get back to your day.

In the meantime do you have a favorite number if so can you tell us what it is and why you chose that number?

Also, today is Friday the 13th are you superstitious and does this day bother you? For me it doesn’t I just stay busy and don’t think about it and I try and keep both Charlie and David busy as they hate this day and don’t like leaving home as something bad might happen to them. So they better just deal with it as I am heading to the pool in a bit with or without them.



Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates




4 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 13 July 2018”

  1. It’s interesting how numbers mean to us and how it runs our lives – birthdays, travel, schedules, age, bank account, income, height, weight, medicine, and many more. I always keep track of birthdays of people close to me to let them know how important they are. Thanks for this post!

    1. Your welcome and thank you for reading the post. Like you I try and keep track of Birthdays so Ic
      can let my friends and family know I was thinking of them.

  2. I can see why your days are special, in so many ways Glenda. My 2 special numbers are 7-13, which happens to be today’s date! I wrote about them in my blog. Little hint, I have 7 grandchildren, why wouldn’t 7 be special!! Hugs to you

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