Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 21 July 2018

Greetings and welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 21 July 2018! I can’t believe we have been at it for 3 weeks already! More than that though is I have been able to keep up and post each and every day. Shhh, I am going to past myself on the back and if you have been able to as well you need to also paint yourself on the back.

Image result for picture of someone patting themselves on the back

One more week and we will be through the 2nd Challenge of the year and already I can’t wait until October when it begins again so I can see my friends and make new friends. Have you thought about the next challenge will you be joining us or are you waiting till we get closer to decide to join or not?

They say when you do something for 21 days you create a habit. So I have been blogging for 21 days – is it a habit yet for you? How does it feel? For me, it feels wonderful and I found out how long it takes to create one post a day and where to find topics if I have nothing I want to blog about and I think I can complete one blog post a day if not more. Because that is the only way I can and will grow. So I have a question for you will you be blogging every day if not how many posts a week do you plan on creating and why?

Now I have a question for you there may have been times when people sent you an email asking you a question. What did you do with that? Did you hit reply, answer the question, and then move on?

Today, write a post that answers a question that you have been asked.

I haven’t been asked any questions so I didn’t have one to answer this morning unless you want to leave me a comment and then I would be more than happy to answer the questions for you. In the meantime what is one question you have been asked and did you take the time to answer the question? Did it lead to more questions or Blog Post?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

9 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 21 July 2018”

  1. And to think I wanted to quit on Day 9!! I’m patting myself on the back too. I have to say I’m enjoying this Blog Challenge. I wanted to create a habit of daily writing, and I have! ROAR! I am going to cut myself some slack when the challenge ends but am still committing to 3 blogs each week!

    1. Jyll, 3 blogs each week is a huge accomplishment and I am so glad you didn’t quit and we had a chance to meet as I look forward to following your blog once the challenge is over. As for Roaring, I will Roar with you because we deserve it.

    1. Two could be hard with all you do and a new baby arriving soon. So I think one is perfect for you and I look forward to reading that post. As for the article you left a link so I am off to read before C gets up and has other plans for us.

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