Unique Holidays May 21st, 2021

Welcome to Unique Holidays May 21st, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays below and let me know which Holiday you most would like to celebrate and why.

Buy a Musical Instrument Day

Publishing Solutions Group - Today is National Buy a Musical Instrument Day!  Music education is known to have many benefits for students, including  language and math skills, creativity, and self-esteem. Today is

Isn’t it obvious how to celebrate Buy a Musical Instrument Day? If your a Musician in need of a new instrument, then today could be a very good day indeed!

If you’ve been considering taking up a Musical instrument, today can be your starting point. And, the good news is you’re never too old to begin playing a Musical instrument.

Did you know many Senior Citizens pick up Musical instruments as a hobby. They even form senior bands, often playing in public. I would like to find one to take Charlie to listen to. Would you like to come with us?

Is there a Musical Instrument you would like to play? As for my family I don’t plan on purchasing a Musical Instrument because I’ve done that and don’t plan on doing it again.. Ever…. Unless the Lord has other plans for my family.

National Maritime Day

Ports Commemorating National Maritime Day

From its very beginning the United States of America has been a Maritime Nation. In the early days, the Merchant Marine has been there to support the Maritime needs of both the civilian Maritime industry and the U.S. navy.

In recognition of the Merchant Marine, the U.S. Congress created National Maritime Day in 1933. Congress chose this date, to also commemorate the anniversary of the first trans-Atlantic voyage of a steamship.

Did you know on May 22, 1819, the U.S. steamship Savannah, left from Savannah, Georgia, bound for Liverpool, England. Would you have liked to be on that ship?

The Merchant Martine supports Maritime interests, charged with overseeing the movement of people and goods over the Seas, in times of both peace and war.

In times of Peace, it supports commercial U.S. Maritime interests. During Peacetime, the Merchant Marine is a Civilian Organization, managed by both the public and the U.S. government. In times of War, its part of the U.S. Military.

Did You Know? The Merchant Marine played a major role in World War II. moving soldiers, military arms, equipment and supplies. During the war, over 250,000 people served in the Merchant Marine. Over 6,700 lost their lives. Over 800 merchant ships were sunk or damaged.

 Here is a couples ways we can celebrate National  Maritime Day:

  • American citizens fly the U.S. flag at their homes or where they work.   
  • Many Seaports hold open houses and events.
  • Seaside towns and ports hold Memorial services in remembrance of merchant Marines who lost their lives.
  • You can use today to learn more about the Merchant Marines and this is what Charlie and I will be studying in Homeschool this week. Would you like to join us?

World Goth Day

World Goth Day - National Awareness Days Calendar 2021

I remember when Suzzane first went to High School and we saw some kids walking down the Hall all in Black with Black Lipstick on. I wanted to grab Suzzie and go home.

But no, not Suzzie she said mom there just kids trying to express themselves in ways they feel comfortable doing. Just like you and me the Lord loves them.

If were nice to them and don’t make them feel different we might make new friends. Do you know what happened they accepted Suzzane and became her big brothers and sisters. I couldn’t have asked for better friends for her. If I hadn’t listened and ran away like I wanted to no, telling what might have happened to those children.


This is a great day because it’s World Goth Day. Perhaps black isn’t your color!? Well, you will be happy to know that being “Goth:” isn’t just about wearing only black clothing. It’s a whole culture.

As it should be, everyone who is into the Goth sub-culture, now has a day to celebrate who they are. I would like to ask you to go out and embrace your inner and outer Goth today.

Today, you should celebrate who you are and your uniqueness. Find a Goth band, and enjoy the music. It’s not just wearing black that makes you Goth. The Goth culture is expressed in fashion, music art, and behaviors.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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