What procedure should you follow for healthy cooking of ground beef meat?

What procedure should you follow for healthy cooking of ground beef meat?

People who love non-vegetarian food are often accustomed to having beef steaks and other forms of meat. A lot of time is spent on buying the best possible meat that will be cooked for making a meal. It is true that some beef cuts are best to be seared or grilled until medium rare which other pieces of meat are best suited for soups and for making fillings. Therefore, keeping the dish in mind that is to be cooked the cut of meat is chosen.

Production of ground beef
The buying process indeed takes some time while getting the best cut of beef but another form of beef which is quite popular and often used in hamburgers and sausages is the ground form of beef. This ground beef is usually created by mincing or chopping beef meat into very fine pieces. The use of meat grinder or processor is also observed for shredding the meat. The fleshy part that is quite tough and less tender is mostly used for making ground beef. The less popular beef portions that include chuck and round beef cuts are used for making ground beef. Trimmings obtained from tender portions of beef meat are also used for making ground beef. But there is no hard and fast rule, and ground beef can be prepared from any type of beef cut, but the chuck cut is commonly used because it has a good amount of fat as well as meat. Laura’s lean ground beef contains very less fat and is often used for making a variety of beef dishes. The ground beef is quite cost effective and takes less time to cook.

The need for proper cooking of beef meat
As ground beef is pocket-friendly, most people tend to use this type of meat. However, there is a need to cook it properly otherwise bacteria like E.Coli or Salmonella can attack the human body. Usually, browning of meat is considered as the proper way of cooking it, but in many instances, it has been observed that ground meat can become brown at around 68 degrees. The temperature is a crucial factor because until and unless ground beef is cooked until it reaches the temperature of 72 degrees the bacteria present in the meat is not killed.

Scrutinizing the processing of ground beef

The cooking of meat at low temperature is not the only factor responsible for the bacterial attack. The preparation of ground meat also comes under strict scrutiny because of the use of additives like pink slime. This is a form of beef trimming which is quite fatty and fine in texture. These fatty trimmings are treated to remove pathogens, but it has been found that the addition of the so-called treated trimmings still led to the detection of Salmonella and E.Coli in the processed ground meat.
Therefore, the market of ground meat is getting regulated strictly for preventing cases of bacterial diseases, and people are also urged to cook the meat completely before consumption.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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