When your child is getting ready to go off to college

Library, Study, Alone, Reading, Male, Young, Reflection

When your child is getting ready to go off to college, it can be a very exciting time indeed. But you shouldn’t let all that excitement get in the way of planning the big move. After all, your child will be moving out of your family home, which is a very big deal indeed! There will be a lot for them to organize in the run-up to the move, and you might need to step in to give them a helping hand.

If you want to help your child as much as possible with moving to college, here are a few great tips.

Plan The Move With Them

It’s worth sitting down with them and planning moving step by step. Your child may not be aware of just how much they need to plan out, so it’s a good idea to give them an idea of what needs to be done. You will also be able to advise them on the kinds of things they need to take with them to colleges, such as things for laundry and cooking. As they might not have too much experience with household chores, you may need to remind them to take suitable things with them.

Ship Any Bulky Items

If your child wants to take some of their bedroom furniture with them, they might need to ship it to their college dorm. Don’t worry, this isn’t as expensive as what it may sound! If you use the Shiply delivery service, you will be able to ship all your large and bulky items at very reasonable prices. Just make sure you arrange the shipping so that they arrive just after your child does.

Lend Them Your Car

If they don’t already have their own car, it’s a nice gesture to offer them yours. They can then fill it up with all their belongings and drive it down to college with them. You might even want to drive them down yourself so that you can check out their dorm room or apartment!

Send Them With A Care Package

Your child may be way too busy with meeting their new roommates or exploring their new town or city when they first arrive at college, and they might completely forget about heading out to buy all the essentials they will need for their first few days. So, it’s worth filling a box full of some staple groceries and other essentials, like a small first-aid kit, toiletries, and stamps.

Let Them Be Independent

You will no doubt be excited to hear about how they are settling into their new life at college, but you should give them some space and let them be completely independent for their first few days in college. This is their first taste of the adult world, so it’s worth letting them enjoy it without interfering all the time!

Hopefully, you aren’t too upset to see your child move out to go to college. I’m sure they will have a great time in their new home!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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