15 Tips for a Great-looking Lawn

15 Tips for a Great-looking Lawn

Homeowners who love their lawns go out of their way to ensure their turf remains healthy and looks great all year round. It does take a lot of work to keep a good lawn, but knowing the basic maintenance tips can help you grow rich grass that’s free of weeds and needs little watering and minimum chemical treatment. Here are 15 tips to help you grow a lush green lawn that will be a sight for sore eyes and the envy of your neighbors.

  1. Proper nutrition is a must for a healthy lawn. It keeps weeds at bay and keeps the grass thick and fresh. In addition, using a good organic fertilizer eliminates the need to use chemical-laden weed killers.
  2. Remove thatch regularly as it can quickly destroy healthy grass if left unattended. Thatch usually results from excessive watering or overuse of fertilizers and other chemicals. Removing thatch is hard work so you may need the help of a professional lawn maintenance service.
  3. Ensure that your turf gets plenty of sunlight. Grass needs lots of sunshine to grow well, so you may need to trim your shrubs every now and then. If you don’t want to do that, it would be better to replace the grass with mulch, which doesn’t need as much sunshine, or with artificial grass.
  4. If you have planted grass seeds in a bald patch, water the area regularly to help the seeds germinate, especially during hot weather. Ensure that the patch is always damp and never completely dry, as that could kill the seedlings.
  5. Use high-quality compost to enliven and nourish the soil in your lawn. Spread it out over the ground and then use a rake to push it deeper into the turf.
  6. Don’t mow your lawn too low. The taller the grass, the greater protection it provides to the soil and the lesser watering it will need. Moreover, weeds grow less in soil that’s shaded by tall grass.
  7. Even if you use compost regularly, you will still need to use a good fertilizer at least every six months. However, rather than applying fertilizer based on your hunch, have your soil tested to know if it really needs fertilizing and how much.
  8. Store your lawn care supplies properly. Exposure to heat, air and light can moisten seeds, fertilizers and weed-removal products, so the best way to store them is to keep them sealed, away from the elements.
  9. Aerate your lawn by digging holes in the grass and removing lumps of soil. Aerating improves ventilation by relieving the pressure from walking and allows air, water and nutrients to go deeper into the roots. Aerating your lawn twice or thrice a year will keep it healthy and thriving. Use a rented machine for the job.
  10. Employ a local lawn maintenance service to care for your lawn and keep it looking lush and healthy all year round. Find the best lawn control Texas that has the experience and expertise to help you maintain a great-looking lawn with minimum use of harsh chemicals. Check that they have the right equipment and trained professionals for the job.
  11. Don’t overwater or you’ll choke the grass. If you have a sprinkler installed, use it sparingly. The best time to water a grass lawn is early in the morning when you see that the grass has wilted slightly. Proper watering will ensure that the roots penetrate deeper into the ground.
  12. Don’t go overboard with herbicides as excessive use of chemicals can destroy your lawn. Learn ways to minimize weed growth so that you’ll have to use less weed killers. One way to reduce weed growth is, as discussed previously, growing your grass at least three inches tall.
  13. Remove broadleaf weed plants after they’ve grown. Some examples are dandelions, plantain and clover. If there are too many, use a weed killer; otherwise, simply pull them out with your hands.
  14. Train your pet to use only a portion of the lawn. This is important to protect your turf and avoid dead patches, which are caused by the nitrogen in your pet’s urine. Having a dedicated gravel area for the pet is a good way to protect your grass.
  15. Watch out for crabgrass. It grows in soil temperature of over 55 degrees Fahrenheit and the best way to eliminate it from your garden is by applying a pre-emergent crabgrass preventer when ground temperature has been over 60 degrees for a few days.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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