Keeping the Lights on Downtown in America’s Small Cities

I would like to share Keeping the Lights on Downtown in America’s Small Cities written by Gregory Smith and Ron Sturgeon which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

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It’s funny to find a book about Haltom City because most people haven’t heard of this Town, yet I live here. Reading through the book I just kept shaking my head as I raise my family here. I drive through the town every day and see all the businesses sitting empty.

More gas stations open up which we do not need. We have more Car Lots than any small-town needs. But the things we do need including a grocery store we don’t have. Nor is there anything for children to do. Other than get into trouble or that how it seems.

I’ve seen new City Halls being built and a Fire Station yet nothing for children. We don’t have a Swimming Pool, Movie Theater or even parks for older kids to visit. We need a Skate Park. There building 300,000 homes but who in their right mind is going to want to move here?

We have restaurants and most of them are good, but it would be nice to have a mom-and-pop restaurant that serves specials and Vegetables. Cute little boutiques would be nice lining Belknap Street instead of empty buildings which attracts crime.

All in all, I do love my home and if Keeping the Lights on Downtown in America’s Small Cities can change things, I bow down to them. I’ve lived here most of my life just as my husband and his parents have and nothing is changing and never does.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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